
Why is employee engagement so important.

Just looking over some of the work I have done recently. This summary of the MacLeod report published in 2009 by Engage for Success was a reminder to me. It helps explain how I see Service Design engaging and integrating into the Business field in the future.


…Employee Engagement Week 1

Apologise this is a late post. Been trying to gather my thoughts from the last few weeks.

Week 1

And Go

So begins the final major project. The proposal has been drafted and sent in. The reading has begun and the subject is…

What would a Service Design approach look like to increase employee engagement?

Better late than never.

I have been reading through some of the literature around the Macleod Report 2009, touchpoint journal articles and The Service Design Book by

Add in all the other notes from the weeks

Add picture of my plan.

17th June

Looking at Dale Carnegie pages http://www.dalecarnegie.com/employee-engagement/engaged-employees-infographic?keycode=twitter&utm_content=buffer81286&utm_source=buffer&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Buffer some interesting white papers put on hold

Can Yammer be classed as an employee engagement platform?

PLAN for this week

– Immerse myself in Macleod Report and start producing portraits of the WHO and WHAT

– Investigate Zappos case study

– Pick another two case studies

– Look at Engaged book

– Look at rest of touchpoints book for cases and strategies

– Read Service Design Book

Investigating MACLEOD Report – Using the Dan Roam Who method

First sweep notes

Meet Nina Grunfield

18th June

Good chats with Peter and Michel about google glass


Rebecca MacKinnon


Nicholas Carr


Jason Lanier


Did a concept map of the employee engagement from a macro view.

Had a tutorial with Paul (photos)

20th June

To contact the SD network and Design Thinkers Network

Reading Service design book by Ben Reason 

Yammer use as a case study

Street car case

Then focus on dyson induction process – making a dyson

Then do I focus on the team culture. What is that about? Do you look at leaders or do you look for traits or how do you make this work with the company culture. These are some of the focused questions needed

Use three core service map on p29

Look at virgin airways design with inflight teams

Fish tale book

21st June

Connected on linkedin with service design UK Network and found a discussion very similar to my thesis.

Idea on focus

Objective 1 start by creating a service blueprint from Macleod report.

Objective 2 – create a Meetup employee engagement group. Using rave as a base and use Meetup, eventbrite or other planning too

Objective 3 – to have created a community actively creating new solutions and testing out at group meet ups.

Culture infographic http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2013-06-13/office-cultures-a-global-guide#r=nav-r-graphic

Some American blogs



22nd June

See picture of sketch around a practice workshop to run through decisions

Draw + Decision + coach = experiential learning and learning a skill and experience














…Employee Engagement Week 2

Research Week 2 – 24/06/13


I will update the first two weeks shortly. I have been getting my mind into employee engagement.

Coming into Week 3 of the my final project, my point of view was that I needed to have a better understanding of the literature around employee engagement and I needed to start identifying service design tools and a process to experiment with. I also wanted to refine my research proposal.

Four items for the week

–        Read about employee engagement (Zappos book and Macleod Report)

–        Finish reading Service Design book by Ben Reason

–        Identify service design tools to be used in employee engagement

–        Re-write research proposal to be more focused

So first of all I kept reading the service design book by Reason et al. Which has been a great book to piece together a lot of the elements of service design and almost create a process for Service Design. There are not that many actual service design books out in the market. So this has been a great help in two aspects so far.

1. I identified that I need to create a visual Service proposition between the enterprise and the employee. What is the promise and what is the value of the enterprise.

Service Proposition Diagram

Service Proposition Diagram

2. I identified that a service blueprint mock-up would be key to piece together the type of experiences of employees (see mock up photo below).

Service Blueprint mockup

Service Blueprint mockup

A number of useful insights were also discussed

–  Categorising types of experience (TASK, COMMERCIAL and LIFE P132)

These then had four categories inside them. User experience (interactions with tech) , Customer experience (experiences with retail brands), Service provider experience (what it is like on the other side), Human Experience (emotional effect of services)

I would suggest that out the most important for my project would be service provider and human experience.

I feel at the heart of the employee engagement debate is the issue around the types of experience an employee has with a company. Task, Commercial and Life (experiences that shapes our wider quality of life). Maybe they are satisfied with Task and Commerical even though they can be somewhat ethically be questioned (eg Enron). The life experience is an interesting area, some companies like Google have upped the ante by giving emloyees all the things they need to stay, however does this improve the Life experience and produce greater productivity or do we all need to switch off at some point?

It would be worth looking for insights in the employee engagement literature to see if there is opportunity in the touchpoints around life experience. As in the Macleod report it is said that one of the pillars is around employees needing meaning from there work. (P133)

Human Experience

“a lack of attention to the human experience could be much more damaging and permanent” (P136-137) The human experience contains huge range of emotions as well as feelings. This resonated with me for two reasons, one service design is about creating human experiences which are best for the customer and if its either humans or technology its needs to have been thought through with a human experience in mind. For example calling a company via telephone. They have evolved from machine voices to having human voices for the options. I still don’t find them the most engaging.


CONSIDERING TIME AS AN OBJECT of DESIGN – Objects of design are experiences over time (P138). This was a point I read which made me step back, when you are designing services and touchpoints you designing with time included. Sometimes in the past with internal and external services the touchpoints for a service have been developed in isolation and the “holistic view” has not been taken into consideration thus one or more of the touchpoint doesn’t fit or feels wrong or the timing/expectation they create is not right.


IDEA and Action – Do a blueprint and proposition maps. Using Velcro strips and use that to interview people first and companies to assess their perceptions of the employee engagement. This was an initial method to test out employees views.

During the later parts of the week I was reading about Zappos values and employee engagement activities, Tony Schwartz book and the Macleod report.


– Find evidence on hypothesis

– Develop service proposition map.


A screen grab of mind map being produced

A screen grab of mind map being produced

IMG_644920130623-221717.jpg 20130623-221745.jpg 20130623-221736.jpg 20130623-222021.jpg 20130623-222038.jpg

Service Blueprint mockup

Service Blueprint mockup

20130623-222108.jpg IMG_6519 IMG_6521 IMG_6500 IMG_6499 IMG_6501 IMG_6498

Employee Engagement Project – Designing for Both Sides

Employee Engagement Project – Designing for Both Sides

I thought this would be a starting post for my final/dissertation project of my Masters. 

It is on employee engagement and I have just found a article linking the service design world with employee engagement. 

My question is “What would a service design approach look like to increase employee engagement in the UK?”

I started this work three weeks ago.

Deadline is Mid September 2013 

So watch this space, a few posts will be coming through shortly. Hope you can get involved.

Capita Restarting Britain Report – Design & Public Services

Capita Restarting Britain Report – Design & Public Services

This was an interesting article with points about design and the history . I wish I had found this at the start of my studies


Here is a good online offline idea happening. Done by + Acumen in conjunction with Ideo


… :)

This is a thought provoking post on the happiness canvas.



Watch This Space

As part of our strategy module we had to create a 2min video showing our process.

To give some context to the project. We were taken on as innovation consultants and asked to find a challenge. To tackle this challenge we had to use design thinking methods to form a 5 year strategy. We choose Ravensbourne Level 1 Space area.

This was a fun little video experiment, a nice program to use.

Watch and any comments more than welcome…



Innovation Karl Heiselman

Great post on Innovation from CEO of Wolff Olins Karl Heiselman


Your approach to being a CEO is innovative in itself, in that your training and professional skill-set is that of a designer. What were the key insights that arose from applying the process of design to running a business and how are they reflected in the way Wolff Olins operates today?

What I know is that good designers design for outcomes – you can design a hospital that helps people get well and you can design an app that helps people easily find a cab. You can apply this same kind of thinking to your house, your career, your life and your business.